Home » Three Essential Thanksgiving Horror Films

Three Essential Thanksgiving Horror Films

Thanksgiving horror

Thanksgiving is about being grateful. It’s also a time for family, food and let’s not forget pure terror! I know I can’t be the only one who tries to infuse the dinner table conversation with discussion of horror films during the Thanksgiving festivities! Hopefully this list of essential Thanksgiving horror films gives you food for thought and fodder for conversation. After all, nothing says “Bon appétit” like bloodshed with the family!

Thankskilling (2009)
Thankskilling is bad, in fact it’s terrible. However you’ll definitely be entertained by the absolute absurdity. The film follows the exploits of a foul-mouthed, homicidal turkey who seeks revenge against humans. Watch typical characters like the nerd, the sexually generous one, the jock get murdered over their Thanksgiving break. There’s plenty of ridiculous dialogue to laugh at. Lines like “You’ve been stuffed!” will be particularly appealing to bad movie aficionados. If you’re a fan of over-the-top, campy low budget horror, this one is for you!

ThanksKilling Turkey

Kristy (2014)
In this slow burn horror film, a college student makes the fateful decision to stay on campus for Thanksgiving break. Kristy finds herself all alone while everyone including her boyfriend and roommate go home to be with their families over the long weekend. At first she does OK by herself but it soon sucks to be her when a cult of demented lunatics  begin to target her. If you’re a fan of modern, alternative survival slashers that will keep you on the edge of your seat why not give Kristy a shot?

Thanksgiving Horror

Boogeyman (2005)
This film takes on the classic tale of the “boogeyman” or the monster in the closet. Around Thanksgiving, a young man must confront a nightmare from his childhood that profoundly affected his adult life. Sure, kids are afraid of the boogeyman but usually it’s just a shadow or the wind. However, for this young man the boogeyman is quite real. This one will definitely appeal to fans of supernatural horror!

Boogeyman wTim

Here’s an honorable mention because we like you:

The Woman (2011)
The Woman isn’t a Thanksgiving film, but it’s definitely sure to spark conversation at any family gathering. It tells the story of a successful husband and father who finds a wild woman in the woods and decides to bring her back home so he can chain her up in his family cellar and ‘civilize’ her. The film is dark and very gruesome, I love it!

The Woman

What are Your Top 3 Essential Thanksgiving Horror Films?

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Written by Zena Dixon
In addition to contributing to Wicked Horror, Zena Dixon has been writing about all things creepy and horrific at Real Queen of Horror for over three years. She has also contributed to iHorror and Bloody Disgusting. She has always loved horror films and someday hopes to be known for writing and directing her own feature-length horror pictures.
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