Everyone has their favorite horror directors. We all love the masters of horror as we know and understand them. But there are so many great directors beloved by cinephiles in general, so many talented people out there making amazing films. Most of them have made a horror movie at some point, or at least something close enough to be justifiably labeled as such. Martin Scorcese directed the remake of Cape Fear, the Coen Brothers did Blood Simple and Spielberg has done pictures like Jaws and Duel. So you won’t be seeing those names on this list.
But there are still so many talented filmmakers who have yet to work in the genre, and I think a good chunk of them would honestly knock it out of the park. Nobody who goes into filmmaking and is successful at it only wants to make one kind of film. Really talented directors want to work in every genre and apply their own style to it.
I’m sure most of the helmers I’m thinking of have already thought about what it would be like to make a horror film should the right opportunity present itself.
Wes Anderson
Not only would his trademark style be interesting when paired up with darker, more genre-oriented material, but people want to see this happen. There have been memes and fake trailers about an Anderson-directed horror movie. If anything, this would just be giving the people what they want. I can’t deny that I’m as curious as anyone else who would go to see whatever he came up with.
David Ayer is a great crime director and I think he’s only a half-step away from being able to put together a terrific psychological thriller. If the trailers for Suicide Squad are any indication, there is a unique, visually stunning horror film in him that is just waiting to come out.
Adam McKay
Adam McKay is definitely known for his work in comedy. He hasn’t really done anything else. And I don’t think anyone expects him to do anything else, but there are enough genuine character moments in his films that make me interested in seeing what he could do. He’s just broken out of straightforward comedy with The Big Short. He’s probably gonna stick in the Oscar-bait running for awhile, but I’d love to see what he could do with a horror picture.
John Lasseter
Lasseter, again, is known for a particular kind of work. He’s the man behind the enterprise that is Pixar, starting with directing the groundbreaking Toy Story. You wouldn’t think of him as a horror guy, but let me just remind you of that scene in Toy Story where a baby doll’s head is combined with a spider-like mechanical body.
Lexi Alexander
With films like Green Street Hooligans and Punisher: War Zone, Lexi Alexander has more than proved that she has what it takes to create kick-ass horror. She’s got an energy and a sense of heightened realism that would be perfect for doing something within the genre.
Duncan Jones
Duncan Jones is a really interesting filmmaker. I haven’t seen Warcraft, but his other works showcase a true talent for creating unique and memorable stories no matter then genre. Moon has a strong psychological element that easily showcases how great it could be if Jones were able to let loose and create a truly mind-bending horror movie.
Spike Jonze
Her dealt with some creepy themes and ideas, so I think it would be very easy to imagine a Spike Jonze horror movie. I also think it would be something I’d absolutely want to see. He has a quietly unstable way of portraying characters that would be excellent for a drawn-out thriller and could create nightmarish, surreal horror as well if Being John Malkovich is any indication.