Home » April Bennet’s Top Five Favorite Horror Films to Watch on Halloween

April Bennet’s Top Five Favorite Horror Films to Watch on Halloween

Horror movies to watch on Halloween. Blair Witch Project Burkitsville sign.

I watch a lot of horror movies, probably a diagnosable, unhealthy amount, but I do have my favorites among the sea of great ones. Usually, Halloween brings out my favorites from my entertainment center and I wanted to share with you five of my personal favorites to watch on or around Halloween. Keep reading for my top five picks!

The Paranormal Activity Series

Now, I know this franchise is victim to plenty of criticism, but it is still one of the classics in my mind. I love found footage films to the point of obsession and I always tip my hat to the Blair Witch Project of my generation. This movie is freaky, f-ed up, and it rattled me for two weeks after viewing. I adore every new film that comes out in the series, even if I hide that from other horror movie enthusiasts that I know. I cannot wait for PA (Paranormal Activity) 6 and I will see it in 3D and pee my pants as a 22-year-old woman.

paranormal-activity-has-created-a-spooky-virtual-reality-game-that-is-sure-to-make-you-cra-469670 - Copy

The Blair Witch Project

Speaking of found footage, here is a classic that I was first introduced to by my parents as a teenager. As my curiosity about horror grew, my parents turned me on to films that deepened my love for the grotesque and the macabre. This is the movie that made found footage famous after the disastrous public reaction following Cannibal Holocaust. In fact, I just watched it again the other day and it still creeps me out.

Blair Witch Project Burkitsville sign.


Don’t get me wrong, I love Jason Voorhess and Freddy Krudger, but numero uno in this gal’s heart will always be Micheal Myers and the original Halloween movie. There’s something about a psycho killer stumbling around in a Captain Kirk mask taking down women who can’t seem to outrun a guy that never exceeds a walking pace. Also, the fact that he never spews any crappy one liners or stupid dialogue just makes him seem like the strong, but sensitive type to me and for that, he is worthy of my adoration.


The Exorcist

I have talked about this movie before in a previous list where I described how, embarrassingly, at 17 I almost jumped back into my parent’s bedroom when I had to go to sleep. This is a classic and a must see that defines the exorcism sub-genre. If you haven’t seen it, see it, right now. I am not kidding.

The Exorcist


As soon as I saw the first installment of this series I was immediately hooked by the storyline, the terrifying monsters, and the fantastic characters that drive the story.  The dialogue is genuinely interesting, the people are not dry and boring, and this kept me up for days. I have seen each movie in the series and I have screamed at each, multiple times.


Thanks for reading! Let me know your top five movies to watch at Halloween or even just your favorites  period!

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Written by Syl
Syl is a professional criminologist who shamelessly spends her time listening to true crime podcasts, watching horror films, and bringing real life horror to her written pieces.
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