The Predator: Life and Death miniseries promises to be a treat for Predator fans, and for comic collectors in general. This series follows the comics released in the Fire and Stone comic cro...
In the long comic book history of Aliens, which stretches back over twenty years, Salvation has always been ranked as one of the best. It’s a fan favorite, if not the fan favorite comic. With a...
Ever since District 9 director Neill Blomkamp announced his new Alien movie, there’s been a lot of speculation on where it’s headed. The artwork that he has put together for this project...
Who could have guessed Earth’s requiem would be so metal? Jerry Frissen and Peter Snejbjerg’s World War X, Helius explores the intergalactic peril of mishandling intricately-scribe...
Alien 3 is a movie that gets a lot of hate. Even now, after twenty years, most people do not consider it good. Director David Fincher has gone onto stardom and numerous Academy Award nominations. He...
In the dictionary, a creature is defined as “an animal, especially a nonhuman: the creatures of the woods and fields; a creature from outer space.” or “anything crea...