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video horror

Castle Freak

Seven DTV Horror Movies Way Better Than They Should Have Been

It’s a pretty standard idea that straight to video is the bottom of the barrel for horror films. Of course, things are different now. In the VOD era, filmmakers would kill for a straight to vid...

Carnosaur 1993

Seven Video-Era Monster Movies You May Have Missed

The heyday of video store was a great time for kids like me who—at that time, at least—weren’t overly worried about plot and production values and just wanted to see cool, interes...

The Thing - Creature Comforts: The Lost Art of the Monster Movie

Creature Comforts: The Lost Art of the Monster Movie

Horror fans love monsters. That’s what got many of us into the genre as children. We love to see creatures that don’t exist, that we can imagine existing in our world. Monsters ...