Three years after the conclusion of Chuck Palahniuk’s unexpected sequel, Fight Club 2, Tyler Durden is still the only constant. Following a climax as meta as it was jarring, Fight Club 3 a...
The last grain of sand in the hourglass has drained, and the final issue of Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club 2 has arrived. There aren’t many explosions, save for the first few pages, but th...
As penultimate installment emerges, Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club 2 begins to bear a bit more cohesion than previously suggested. Even then, it can still be hard to follow some of the motivation...
Perhaps needless to say, Fight Club 2 is a bit convoluted. At times, it’s easy to question why this tale was segmented into separate issues. Sometimes the episodic structure just doesn’t...
The first pages of Fight Club 2’s latest issue reiterates a fact that many may be reluctant to accept: This is a comic book and Palahniuk isn’t afraid to adopt the appropriate conve...
Every solid sequel needs a brief moment of transition. This isn’t at all different in Fight Club 2’s sixth issue, which refrains from much of the heavy, proverbial movement the series ha...
As quickly as he made it there, Sebastian is swept from the oven and into the inferno, as the regime finally accepts him back into the club. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Marla bounds from spin...
As last issue’s climax may have suggested, the lull of Fight Club 2 is over. Fresh from a recent, Marla-spurred beating, we are awarded both a literal and proverbial new face of Sebastian. Like...
Off the heels of an incredibly strong opener, the second installment of Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club 2 is quite the change of pace. With the playing field set, hurling the narrator (or Sebastia...