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The Witch

Please Stop Using the Term ‘Elevated Horror’

The term ‘elevated horror’ has been frequently used in the last ten years. It refers to horror films that are thought-provoking, have deep commentary, and push artistic/cinematic boundar...

Black Sunday

How Modern Horror is Still Borrowing from Black Sunday

There are a select few directors who immediately come to mind when fans across the world think of Italian horror. While the country has produced so many of the most amazingly talented filmmakers, Dari...

The Witch

The Witch: Part 1 — The Subversion’s Action is Derailed by a Passive Start [Blu-ray Review]

The Witch: Part 1 — The Subversion opens with Ja-Yoon (played by Kim Ha-Na as a child, Da-mi Kim as an adult) escaping a facility. It’s never made clear who exactly owns or runs this fac...

New on Netflix

New on Netflix: September 21, 2018

New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror ...

The Witch

Are We Really Surprised Horror Was Snubbed By The Oscars Yet Again (And Should We Care?)

Following the announcement of the 2017 Oscar nominees earlier this week, social media was flooded with protestations of “why him?”, “why not her?” “why THAT movie?”...

The Witch

Michele’s Top 5 Horror Films of 2016

Echoing the sentiment that has already been expressed by many, 2016 was a great year for horror. And more specifically, it was a great year for theatrical horror. I went to the theater more times in 2...

The Witch

10 Reasons 2016 Was A Great Year For Horror

2016 has been a peculiar year all round. Confusing, disappointing and, at times, downright scary. But one element that remained remarkably strong throughout was entertainment. In particular, it’...

Green Room Movie - starring Anton Yelchin and Patrick Stewart

Joey’s Top 5 Horror Movies Of 2016

It’s been a fantastic year for horror (if you disagree, watch more). From quiet, brooding little indies to a big-budget reboot that packed a serious punch, there’s never been a better time...

The Witch

We Now Present to You: Wes Anderson’s The Witch

In yet another testament to the power of editing and scoring, CineFix has recut a trailer for The Witch that reimagines it as if it were directed by Wes Anderson (The Royal Tenenba...