The Levenger Tapes focuses on the plight of three-college age students, a myriad of bad decisions, and the police detectives trying to track them down. Throughout the film, scenes switch between the t...
47 Meters Down is the summer shark movie of the year. The story revolves around two sisters on a relaxing trip to Mexico. After responsible older sibling Lisa (Mandy Moore, A Walk To Remember, TV̵...
Oklahoman filmmaker Nick Sanford is never short on ambition. As a child, Sanford had a penchant for short films, such as Hook 2, a spiritual follow-up to Steven Spielberg’s 1991 fantasy adventu...
Have you ever watched a movie that isn’t quite horrific, but it still makes shift in your seat? Well, that perfectly describes Michael Thelin’s psychological thriller Emelie. The film...
Midnight FM focuses on Sun-young, a late night radio host who attempts to complete her final show. However, an overzealous fan with a sinister plan isn’t making it easy. So what happens when an ...
i-Lived is a mystery-thriller that was written and directed by Franck Khalfoun, who helmed the Maniac remake and the upcoming Amityville: The Awakening. The film is about a young t...