Home » Survival Horror games

Survival Horror games

‘Alan Wake II’ is a Unique and Spine-Chilling Masterpiece [Video Game Review]

Horror video games provide an experience that is unlike just watching a movie or television show. By controlling the main characters, the player becomes a participant in the story, with the controller...

Call of Cthulhu: Brand-New Trailer Released!

We previously reported on the latest, must-see screenshots from Cynaide’s upcoming Call of Cthulu game. Now, a brand-new, and a truly exciting trailer has just dropped in anticipation of the ga...

Resident Evil 7

Gamers Rejoice! Resident Evil 7 Has ARRIVED

In a super-exciting press announcement yesterday, January 24, 2017, video-game juggernaut Capcom boasts that “THE NEXT ERA OF HORROR BEGINS TODAY WITH THE RELEASE OF RESIDENT EVIL 7”. An...

Successor Of Silent Hill, Allison Road Back In Development!

Earlier this year a playable trailer for Allison Road was announced, the intention being that this first-person survival horror game would satisfy horror fans dying for a Silent Hill P.T. experience. ...

GamesCom 2016 Reveals Game-play Trailer For Horror Gem Agony

GamesCom is an annual trade fair that is held for video games and video game companies in Cologne, Germany. The four day convention boasts being the world’s largest gaming event, with visitor n...

Outlast II

Review: Outlast 2 Demo Promises Not To Disappoint Fans Of The Original

In 2014, an independent game company burst onto the online gaming scene, with their very first, scene-stealing game, Outlast. Most survival horror titles originating in the indie world are met with sk...

Why Video Games are the Next Step in Getting Your Horror Fix!

Horror movies are already an obscure genre within the traditional word of cinema. Personally, I spend more time defending films like The Blair Project and Cloverfield than titles from any ot...