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Stuart Gordon

Horror George Romero's Knightriders

Eight Times the Masters of Horror Mastered Other Genres

All horror fans have their favorite directors. We root for these guys. They’re the names we saw over and over again when we started diving into the genre. For many of us, they were the first di...

Bride of Reanimator

Why ‘Bride of Re-Animator’ Works as a Stylish Sendup of the First

Stuart Gordon’s Re-Animator is, easily, one of the best horror comedies of the 1980s. A worthy follow-up to that seemed nearly impossible, in part because the movie is so great and in...

Stuart Gordon

Stuart Gordon: Interviews, A Singularly Subversive Spirit [Book Review]

Stuart Gordon is best remembered for his 1985 debut film, Re-Animator. With buckets of blood and a decapitated head giving head (a visual pun Gordon’s high school buddy and frequent writer Denn...

Wes Craven - Surprising Early Jobs of Your Favorite Horror Movie Directors

Surprising Early Jobs of Your Favorite Horror Movie Directors

Everybody starts somewhere, even your favorite horror directors. Getting into the industry is an incredibly hard thing to do. Nobody becomes a director, writer, producer, or scores any major position ...


Dolls is a Thrilling Modern Fairy Tale for Adults [Retrospective]

Dolls takes place on a dark and especially stormy night. The film finds an eclectic group of people taking refuge from the storm at the home of a seemingly sweet but ultimately creepy older ...

Bloody Bess

Script to Pieces: Stuart Gordon and Barbara Crampton’s Bloody Bess

Welcome to Script to Pieces, a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where we look at the best, most interesting and at times most unbelievable horror movies that never happened. Sometimes...

Castle Freak

Why Castle Freak Works as a Dark Family Drama

Stuart Gordon’s first feature film, Re-Animator, was one of those rare movies that became an instant cult classic. It didn’t have a huge release. It was exhibited without an MPAA ra...

The Stuff

Four of the Strangest Non-Cronenberg Body Horror Films

David Cronenberg is undeniably the master of body horror, so much that the sub-genre has become synonymous with his name, even if he hasn’t directed a movie of this type in years. He will alway...

Dagon 2001

Script to Pieces: Stuart Gordon’s Shadow Over Innsmouth

Welcome to Script to Pieces, a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where we look at the best, most interesting and at times most unbelievable horror movies that never happened. Sometimes...