To mark the twentieth anniversary of Wes Craven’s game-changing slasher, Scream, Wicked Horror presents a week of specially-themed content celebrating the movie’s enduring appeal. In thi...
The slasher formula was designed for the time restraints of a motion picture–and not for a particularly long one, either. Halloween, Friday the 13th, Black Christmas and most of their ilk all ba...
One of the largest, most primal draws for a horror movie is the need to see people dispatched in creative ways. The only problem is that as slashers grew more and more popular, it became harder and ha...
’80s slashers. Even today, these are how a lot of people define the entire genre. As a sub-genre, it’s never had as strong of an output as it did from 1980-1985, despite some resurgence i...
It’s no secret that the early slasher films were heavily influenced by the Italian giallo movies. These were very similar features, albeit slightly more sophisticated—yet gorier—v...
The slasher film began to build momentum in the late ’70s and really took off in the early s80s. Halloween was a major independent success and Friday the 13th followed right on its heels an...