The Nightmare on Elm Street series gave birth to one of the most iconic boogeymen ever to stalk the screen: razor-clawed, Christmas sweater wearing, profoundly burned madman Freddy Krue...
New Nightmare sees Freddy leaving the realm in which he was created. After his escape, he begins to plague the performers from the first Nightmare film. Like in the first picture, Heather Langenkamp i...
By definition a silver fox is a handsome, grey-haired man. But, to me, a silver fox is much more than that. It is a man who has truly experienced life, a gent that is full of wisdom and accompli...
Stephen King can make just about any idea work on the page, no matter how ridiculous it actually is. But sometimes those ideas don’t always translate well to film. Sometimes they’re not ...
Who’s in the mood for an indie horror film? This week I’m reviewing Andy Palmer’s comedy horror The Funhouse Massacre. I’m a sucker for horror-comedies and decided to give...
Robert Englund is easily one of our biggest living horror legends. He gained legions of fans playing Freddy Krueger in the Nightmare on Elm Street films, a character he helped turn into a cultural ico...
After that Photoshopped pic [Editor’s note: It was modified from Englund’s proof of Reddit AMA] of Robert Englund holding a sign seemingly confirming his hatred for the...
It is known as “the Southwest’s Premiere Horror Convention,” and with the show that was put on this past weekend, Texas Frightmare Weekend 2016 more than lived up to that moniker. No...
There are a handful of sacred cows in the horror industry. From Jason Voorhes to Michael Myers to Leatherface to Pinhead. Arguably, though, none of those icons ever reached the pop culture status...