Mortuary follows Jonathan Doyle, a teenager with a pissy attitude who moves half way across the country to a new town with his mother Leslie and little sister Jamie. Leslie purchased an...
Negative Space is an extremely promising new comic and I can’t wait to see how it develops. The plot is still somewhat mysterious but centers around a shadowy organization that mines the depths...
Trying to describe Tank Girl to someone who has never picked up one of these books before is kind of like trying to describe an acid trip. In the most basic of terms, Tank Girl is a girl that lives in...
Ladies of the House is the kind of rape/revenge horror we don’t see much of anymore. It’s about three guys out enjoying an evening at a strip club when they get the horrible, horrible id...
Coulrophobia (fear of clowns) is something from which at least one of your friends or family members will claim to suffer. The general consensus is that clowns are scary, not funny, and that they shou...
The Phantom of the Opera arrives this week on Blu-Ray from Scream Factory, which has become legendary in the past couple of years for giving a fantastic treatment to cult movies you would never expect...
[soliloquy id=”14296″] The Devil Incarnate is the first film from indie filmmaker L. Gustavo Cooper, who previously garnered attention by way of his his short film Velvet Road....