At the 2016 E3 convention, the playable teaser for the new Resident Evil game, Resident Evil 7 or Resident Evil Biohazard, was revealed to be open to all players. Long-time fans of the franchise, alon...
The time has come, once again, for the Electronic Entertainment Expo (more commonly known as E3) to take over the Los Angeles Convention Center and showcase the newest games, and most exciting innovat...
Horror movies are already an obscure genre within the traditional word of cinema. Personally, I spend more time defending films like The Blair Project and Cloverfield than titles from any ot...
[soliloquy id=”7611″] The long-running and successful Resident Evil will end its era. According to director Paul W.S. Anderson its upcoming sixth installment will conclude the franchise;...
Hear about the Resident Evil 2 Remake? One of the grandaddies of horror games, Resident Evil 2, has always had a huge fanbase and was influential in horror games for years afterwards. But check this o...