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Most Likely To Die [Frightfest 2015 Review]

Decent slasher movies are hard to come by, particularly in the torture and paranormal activity obsessed noughties. Most Likely To Die, the latest feature from popular horror director Anthony DiBlasi (...


Aaaaaaaah! [Frightfest 2015 Review]

The curse of the self-reviewing title strikes again with Aaaaaaaah!, the bafflingly dreadful feature directorial debut from Sightseers scribe/star Steve Oram. In its IMDb description, the question ...

The Nightmare

The Nightmare [Frightfest 2015 Review]

Unless you live under a particularly large rock, you’ve probably heard of a little documentary called The Nightmare, allegedly the scariest documentary of the year. You might have heard that The...

The Hallow

The Hallow [Frightfest 2015 Review]

Lifelong special effects enthusiast Corin Hardy has been making monsters in his bedroom since he was a kid. So it stands to reason that his debut feature as writer-director should boast some pretty co...

Anthony DiBlasi Last Shift

Review: Last Shift Is 2015’s Scariest Movie

“Dread-inducing” “Stomach-churning” “Guaranteed to give you nightmares for weeks” “The scariest horror movie since The Exorcist“ Horror fans know, by no...

Final Girl [Frightfest 2015 Review]

Pop photographer Tyler Shields’ highly-anticipated first foray into feature films boasts a title that will immediately pique the interest of even the most casual genre fans. Final Girl ...

A Christmas Horror Story [Frightfest 2015 Review]

With the uproariously fun Tales Of Halloween stealing the spotlight on every horror fan’s favourite holiday, it’s left to Canadian import A Christmas Horror Story (and, this coming Christm...

Frightfest 2015 Review: Scherzo Diabolico

Spanish director Adrián García Bogliano’s Late Phases was one of the best horror movies of last year, not to mention arguably one of the most accomplished werewolf movies of all time. ...

Some Kind Of Hate [Frightfest 2015 Review]

Labelling a movie a “feminist slasher” is a bold move. The f word carries with it certain expectations that, to be fair, few films will be able to live up to–regardless of quality. S...