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Monster Movies

Seven Stephen King Adaptations That Totally Nail the Author’s Style

Stephen King is a very cinematic writer, which has led him to be one of the most adapted authors in history. He tends to take a simple premise and let it unfold in a way that only he can. Many adaptat...

Horror Performances by A-List Actors Misery 1990 - Horror movies with an incredibly simple premise

Seven Great Horror Films With an Incredibly Simple Premise

We tend to make fun of horror movies for being a little too simple or not containing much in the way of plot. But the fact is that some of the best horror movies of all time are among the most simplis...

The Neon Demon - Horror Movies About the Horrors of Fame

Eight Intense Movies About The Horrors of Fame

It’s no big secret that Hollywood loves to make movies about Hollywood. There are so many good films about the obsession with fame and celebrity lifestyle, about the cold bureaucracy of the ind...

Horror Performances by A-List Actors Misery 1990 - Horror movies with an incredibly simple premise

Seven Great Horror Performances by A-List Actors

Acting is often hit or miss in the horror genre, which is why horror fans are so eager to latch onto good performances. Horror is a great way for actors to get their start, which is why so many p...

5 Isolation Horror Films To Watch While Social Distancing

Five Isolation Horror Films To Watch While Social Distancing

From being stranded in remote locations, to seemingly inescapable circumstances, or just the gradual inability to trust your own mind, isolation horror takes many forms. No matter what you happen to b...

Funny Games

Seven Horror Movies That Will Leave You Feeling Miserable

Primarily, horror films are escapism. They’re meant to be entertainment. For the most part, they do that. We’re sucked into a worst-case scenario, but one that’s heightened and st...

Oscar - Academy Award - Best picture

Seven Horror Films That Should Have Been Nominated for Best Picture

With the Oscars coming on this evening, we’re taking a look back at horror films that should have been nominated for Best Picture and weren’t. It’s no secret that the genre has a ...

High Tension

Five Disturbingly Obsessive Horror Movie Characters

Obsession plays a large part in horror. The genre is rooted in human action and while everyone tries to maintain the balance that society expects, sometimes people go over the edge. Love and relations...

Horror Performances by A-List Actors Misery 1990 - Horror movies with an incredibly simple premise

Eight Gross-Out Horror Scenes We Can’t Help But Watch

Every horror fan has their own threshold when it comes to tolerating how far a movie goes. It comes down to personal taste. Some people can handle extreme amounts of gore, some can handle very little....

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