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Joshua Leonard

Heather Donahue as herself in the closeup shot at the end of Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez's the Blair Witch Project

20 Years On, Still, Nothing Compares to The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project is 20 years old this week so, naturally, the “found” footage contained within has aged considerably. Rather than putting distance between the film and a modern audi...


IFC Midnight Acquires Larry Fessenden’s Modern Frankenstein Update, Depraved

IFC Midnight, the darker, sister label to Sundance Selects and IFC Films, has announced it’s acquiring U.S. distro rights to Horror Icon Larry Fessenden’s esteemed latest directorial effor...


Larry Fessenden’s Depraved is His Best Directorial Effort Yet [Review]

​Horror hero Larry Fessenden makes his welcome return to the director’s chair with Depraved, which naturally he also wrote, produced, and makes a small cameo in. The flick is a Frankenste...

Unsane Is A Terrifyingly Realistic Portrayal Of How Women Are Disbelieved

To live in this world as a woman is to be constantly on edge. Afraid of who might be lurking around the corner, at the end of the street, on the train, in the parking lot. A sequence in Steven Soderbe...


Why You Should Watch Madhouse if You Haven’t Already!

Madhouse was directed by William Butler, who is no stranger to the horror community. The film follows a man named Clark Stevens who begins his internship at Cunningham Hall, a mental institution. Clar...

Blair Witch Project

Blair Witch Project Doc, The Woods Debuts Trailer Announces Premiere

More than 15 years after the release of one of the most influential horror films of all time, a documentary chronicling the production of the phenomenon that is The Blair Witch Project ...