Gothic horror has a longstanding tradition of being moody, melodramatic and—on film, at least—visually driven from its production design down to its costuming. When the silent era a...
As horror fans, we go crazy for practical effects. Genre output from the 1980s was rife with expertly rendered practical FX work. By the mid-’80s, the effects had become the main ...
Lucio Fulci’s House by the Cemetery is, I’ll admit, my least favorite of the director’s “Gates of Hell” trilogy. But that doesn’t mean that the film is withou...
There was a time, fondly remembered and not all that long ago, when Italy was the pinnacle of horror filmmaking. In the 1960’s Mario Bava helped define the giallo, a precursor to the American s...
Lucio Fulci shares the “godfather of gore” title with fellow director Herschell Gordon Lewis. But Fulci may win between the two of them solely for the visceral response his movies evoke....
[soliloquy id=”10971″] Video nasties were the general term for the movies that were banned in the UK in the early 1980’s, criticized for the violence and sexuality. Some of them wer...
In the eighties, horror movies took off in a big way, garnering mainstream success and becoming mega-hits for the first time. It all started in 1981, after the circulation of success between powerhous...