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Turbo Kid 2

Zak’s Top 5 Horror Movies of 2015

Horror is in a good place, which is weird saying aloud when most people seem to still be operating under the notion that “it all sucks now, it’s not as good as it used to be.” Wit...

Silent Night, Deadly Night

Why Silent Night, Deadly Night Works Way Better Than it Should

Silent Night, Deadly Night caused a huge outrage when it was released in 1984. In fact, it was probably among the biggest movie controversies of all time. It wasn’t necessarily more violent tha...

Barbara Crampton in We are Still Here. Michele Eggen's top five horror films of 2015. Jurassic World Michele's top five - Great horror performances from 2015

Eight Great Horror Performances from 2015

Whether it be on the big or small screen, great horror is driven by great acting, first and foremost. All great stories are. Luckily, 2015 gave us a lot of that. In part, this was due to the impressiv...

Starry Eyes - Recent horror movies that went overlooked - recent horror movies that prove surrealist horror is making a comeback

Seven Recent Horror Movies That Went Completely Overlooked

A lot of great horror movies tend to go overlooked. Everyone complains that there are no great new horror features being made, but oftentimes that’s because people are not seeking them out....

Nat’s Bottom Five Horror Movies of 2015

There are always going to be the horror movies that just don’t do it for you. It’s something that’s pretty unavoidable. We can talk quality all day, but a huge chunk of our opinio...

Horror movies of 2015 - Krampus - The Year Christmas Horror Broke Out 2015

Nat’s Top Five Horror Movies of 2015

2015 was a very bittersweet year for horror. While we had some great new movies—some of which even went to theaters, for a change—we also lost some of the biggest talent in the genre...

mummified doll movie

Grave Digger Horror To Be Turned Into Scariest Movie Ever!

Movie executives are working on turning a real life horror into the scariest blockbuster of all time. Anatoly Moskvin, 46, from the city of Nizhny Novgorod in central Russia, was arrested in...

the craft - Feminism in the craft

Seven Reasons Why The Craft Still Holds Up

We’re swiftly approaching two decades since the release of The Craft. 2016 will mark the 20th anniversary of a film that’s proven to be one of the most remembered horror hits of its deca...

Rawhead Rex - creature features

Eight Creature Features That Were Completely Forgotten

Creature features, monster movies, whatever name you attribute to them, they’ve become something of a lost art within the horror genre. They don’t get made anymore, simply because the bu...