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Heather Langenkamp

Heather Langenkamp - Nancy from A Nightmare on Elm Street

Why Nancy from ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’ Is Horror’s Most Proactive Heroine

It might seem hard to believe looking back at it, given the reverence so many fans hold for the sub-genre, but by 1984 the slasher craze was already winding down. 1980 through ’82 saw dozens up...

Heather Langenkamp interview

Heather Langenkamp on Movie Make-up Magic and 40 Years of ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’ [Exclusive]

Heather Langenkamp has battled her share of nightmarish creatures. Now, she makes them. After starring as Nancy Thompson in Wes Craven’s A Nightmare on Elm Street series, the actress now operat...

Why Shocker was a surprisingly personal movie for wes craven

Shocker is Silly, Fun, and Under-Appreciated [Retrospective]

Upon its release in 1989, critics universally panned Shocker. It was a modest box office success but certainly didn’t set any records. Due to bad reviews and a less than perfect screenplay from...

Final Girl Heather Langenkamp Horror sequels that cursed their own franchises - Nancy in New Nightmare - Badass Mothers in Horror

Wes Craven’s New Nightmare Was a Sequel Ahead of its Time [Retrospective]

New Nightmare sees Freddy leaving the realm in which he was created. After his escape, he begins to plague the performers from the first Nightmare film. Like in the first picture, Heather Langenkamp i...

Horror Film Documentaries You Need to See!

The horror fan has excellent choices when it comes to documentaries about the genre. There are certain titles that examine horror films or an entire subgenre as a whole. Examples of this app...

Hellraiser: Judgment - Michael Myers vs Pinhead - Hellraiser - Clive Barker Adaptations

New Hellraiser Film in Development, Legendary Scream Queen Attached

According to ScareTissue, a new Hellraiser film is being developed at Dimension. It is likely going under a working title, so as to keep a low profile. Head past the break to find out w...

Poster for Kyle Kuchta's Fantasm

Advance Review – Fantasm

[soliloquy id=”12165″] Fantasm is a documentary exploring the world of horror conventions from the perspective of a horror fan. It provides a look into the lives of the merchants, cel...

Unlikely Horror Heroes that Saved the Day

[soliloquy id=”4937″] Horror films sometimes seem like they are taking place in an alternate reality where the rules of real life and logic don’t apply. The biggest and strongest ch...