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Halloween Most outrageous deaths in the Halloween franchise - Halloween Returns

Breaking: Big Update on the Next Halloween Film!

The latest installment in the Halloween series will be titled Halloween Returns. It will be a standalone effort (unrelated to the original franchise and also separate from Rob Zomb...

Jurassic World Is So Much Fun It’s Unnatural [Review]

Few film properties are as universally beloved as Stephen Spielberg’s iconic Jurassic Park. Arguably the greatest kids’ horror movie of all time, the flick grossed hundreds of millions of ...

Latest Scream Queens Art is Pretty Evil

We recently shared the first official, full length Scream Queens trailer with you. And we now have the first official one sheet for your to feast your eyes on. Not surprisingly, the pos...

First Look at Scully and Mulder on the X-Files Set!

We have exciting news for X-Files fans. We’ve got your first look at Mulder and Scully on the set of the revival series. Head past the jump for your first look at the new image!