The Girl Next Door (2007) is based on the Jack Ketchum novel of the same name. The film takes inspiration from a series of terrifying real-life events. Gregory Wilson directed this jarring picture. Th...
Gore and violence definitely have their place in the horror genre. It is sometimes completely necessary to have an extreme amount of gore to achieve a certain impact. To have less gore does not automa...
In Radcliffe’s latest efforts to distance himself from the Potter boy wizard, he turns into the Devil himself in fantasy-horror, Horns, directed by Alexandre Aja and based on the novel by Joe H...
[soliloquy id=”13079″] Written and directed by Jennifer Kent, “If it’s in a word, or it’s in a look, you can’t get rid of The Babadook.” The Babadook rev...
Directed by Scott Frank, A Walk among the Tombstones is based on the novel of the same name by Lawrence Block. We first see former NYPD detective Matt Scudder (Liam Neeson- Taken) in the early 1990...
If it’s in a word, or if it’s in a book, you can’t get rid of The Babadook! Directed and written by Jennifer Kent, The Babadook brings us its own spin on the tale...
Directed and written by Jennifer Kent, The Babadook brings us its own spin on the tale of parent and child in an old, dark house where things go bump (and more) in the night. The Babadook takes p...
[soliloquy id=”4927″] Close to faultless Leon: The Professional, directed and written by Luc Besson is an exceptional movie with an amazing character build-up and story to match. Leon...
[soliloquy id=”4492″] Written and directed by British music artist Plan B (Ben Drew), Ill Manors is a surprisingly well made film that depicts “Broken Britain”. While Drew does...