The Lady Killer comic series, by Joelle Jones, was originally released in 2015 and revolved around Josie Schuller, a 1960s domestic homemaker and perfect wife and mother. However, while Mr. Schuller t...
Psycho- Pass is a Japanese manga series that takes place in the next century of human existence. In this new imagination of our future, humans are guaranteed a society without crime, at the cost of be...
Slayer Repentless is a three-issue miniseries inspired by legendary thrash-metal band Slayer, who have been rocking stages for over thirty years at this point, and particularly their latest album, Rep...
Vampire Hunter D Volume 26: Bedeviled Stagecoach is the latest novel in the Vampire Hunter D series. These translated novels, written by Hideyuki Kikuchi and Yoshitaka Amano since 1983, also boast com...
Kill all Monsters Omnibus Volume 1 is an upcoming book, from Dark Horse comics, about a parallel universe where humans’ technology is our downfall. In an apocalyptic world where humans are scarc...