Death Follows is another winner by writer Cullen Bunn, one of the creative minds behind the wildly successful Harrow County series. The story begins in similar fashion, featuring a young girl nam...
Green River Killer: A True Detective Story is a graphic novel written by Jeff Jensen and illustrated by Jonathan Case. It had the dangerous potential to either be another ridiculous piece of...
As penultimate installment emerges, Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club 2 begins to bear a bit more cohesion than previously suggested. Even then, it can still be hard to follow some of the motivation...
The Predator: Life and Death miniseries promises to be a treat for Predator fans, and for comic collectors in general. This series follows the comics released in the Fire and Stone comic cro...
Wicked Horror had the chance to speak with Archie vs. Predator‘s Alex de Campi about creating horror comics, being an indie artist, the joy of creating for horror fans and much more. Head inside...
Perhaps needless to say, Fight Club 2 is a bit convoluted. At times, it’s easy to question why this tale was segmented into separate issues. Sometimes the episodic structure just doesn’t...
It’s early December. Some may believe it is too early to choose my definitive list of favorite horror comics for the year. While it is possible that something will completely whisk me away...
The first pages of Fight Club 2’s latest issue reiterates a fact that many may be reluctant to accept: This is a comic book and Palahniuk isn’t afraid to adopt the appropriate conve...
So after reading the dozens of comic reviews here on Wicked Horror, or perhaps after a lifetime of vague interest you’ve decided to collect comic books. Welcome, friend! As a long time comic en...