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classic horror

Justin Steele’s Top Five Films to Watch on Halloween

As the Halloween season approaches, we all have our go-to films that we pop in the DVD or Blu-Ray player. One of my own personal favorite Halloween activities is to get together with friends...

Exorcist III - Completely Pointless Sequels That Actually Weren't That Bad

Completely Pointless Sequels That Actually Weren’t That Bad

Most horror movies don’t need sequels, but of course most franchises have pointless sequels in them, anyway. It’s something that’s been true about the genre going all the way...

Seven Horror Mashups You Definitely Have to See Monster Squad

Seven Horror Mashups You Definitely Have to See

Horror mashups have become increasingly popular in recent years, although they have always existed. Whether they combine genres, characters or simply mash together the monsters themselves, they’...

The Last Voyage of Demeter

Seven Old-School Horror Performances That Are Still Terrifying

The classics are so called for a reason. The early days of horror cinema brought forth some amazing stories and visuals. But it was the performances that cemented their place in the public consciousne...

The Mummy - Dracula - Mummies on Film

Cursed: The Troubled History of Mummies on Film

Mummies haven’t really gotten their due on film. They’ve never been as popular as vampires or werewolves and zombies have always been the ruling class of shambling corpses. Sure, there h...

Bride of Frankenstein

How Bride of Frankenstein Set the Template for Every Horror Sequel

Everyone has their favorite horror sequel. And, of course, everyone has their least favorite as well. Following up a classic can be incredibly difficult to pull off. The first problem is jus...

Things Unseen: Why it’s so Hard to Adapt H.P. Lovecraft to Film

As someone entrenched in the horror genre, both in film and fiction, I get the same question a lot: “Why are there no good Lovecraft movies?” And there are, you just have to know where t...

Horror films on Netflix - New on Netflix. Netflix logo for new to streaming movies.

20 Classic Horror Films On Netflix UK That You Should See

Many Netflix users will say that the UK Netflix offerings pale in comparison to the US counterpart. While that may be true for newer movies, there are a number of noteworthy classic horror f...

EC Archives Tales from the Crypt Volume I [Advance Review]

Fifty years removed, it’s still a bit haunting to be counted among the Crypt Keeper’s many “little pretties.” With the power of Dark Horse, Tales from the Crypt Volume I&#x...