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classic horror


The Howling: Revenge of the Werewolf Queen: Review

The Howling: Revenge of the Werewolf Queen is one more example of eighties nostalgia being reworked for modern audiences. In general, there’s a part of me that inwardly cringes any time ...

Back to the ’80s: Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Welcome to Back to the ’80s. This recurring feature aims to take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from horror’s most beloved decade. Regardless of which category a particular fi...

Buffy season five

Cry Little Sister: A Defense of Dawn Summers

Last March, I wrote a piece on Buffy characters who were unfairly despised. While I expected some degree of backlash against a few of the picks, there was a surprising amount of people who apparently ...


3 Gateway Genres Scream (Re)Introduced Audiences To

To mark the twentieth anniversary of Wes Craven’s game-changing slasher, Scream, Wicked Horror presents a week of specially-themed content celebrating the movie’s enduring appeal. In this ...

TV Terror: Scariest Episodes of Horror Anthology Shows

Horror has a long tradition in of success in television. Some of the earliest shows on TV when it was first introduced were horror-themed and it had a history in radio before that. Horror stories alwa...

Holiday Gift Guide: Horror Tree Ornaments

Gift Guide is a recurring segment on Wicked Horror where we showcase horror-inspired gift ideas for you, or the horror fan in your life. Have an idea for something we should feature? Let us know in th...

Alien (1979) The problem with sub-genres - label makers

Eight Original Titles That Change How We See Famous Horror Movies

A lot of different elements go into making a horror movie work. Even the classics, though they often start out with highly compelling ideas, might originate as something very different from what fans ...

The remake of The Last House on the Left.

How The Last House on the Left Remake Outdid the Original

In a time when most horror remakes are judged before they are even get made, The Last House on the Left 2009 remains a stellar example of how a remake can work as a complement to the origina...

Bride of Frankenstein - Universal Monsters created for the movies

Five Universal Monsters Created for The Movies

The Universal classic monsters are generally known as being respectively based on classic literature and in most cases that is true. But there are also characters that get lost in the public mindset, ...