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Christopher Cantwell


Everything #4 Picks up the Pace [Comic Review]

Everything started rocky, but it’s finally hit its stride. More than anything, it’s because like issue 3, issue 4 has moved beyond hinting at questions and has started hinting at answers...


Everything #3 [Comic Review]

Everything is a slow burn. Most of the first two issues are full of hints and two accidental deaths. To this point, the series has been burning too slowly, leaving this reader more bored than anxious....

Everything #2 [Comic Review]

Atmospheric horror is subjective. What makes one person anxious puts another to sleep, as was the case with me and It Comes at Night, though others loved the film. And maybe that’s what’...

Everything #1 is Missing Something [Comic Review]

Mystery can be a great way to drive a story forward. Not knowing who the killers are in Scream is the perfect ingredient to spice up an already great film. It’s human nature to want to know wha...

She Could Fly: The Lost Pilot #5 [Comic Review]

She Could Fly:The Lost Pilot #5 is a rare dud in what’s been an excellent series. It’s the second arc’s finale and it does have some stellar moments: characters you wouldn’...

She Could Fly: The Lost Pilot #3 [Review]

She Could Fly: The Lost Pilot #3 takes the reader and Luna into new territory: a first date. What started shakily last issue has developed into a fledgling relationship. Luna has a boyfriend. She and ...

She Could Fly: The Lost Pilot #2 [Review]

She Could Fly: The Lost Pilot #2 opens with Luna peeling paper off the wall to eat with Joan of Arc. Joan tells Luna that, “St. Michael is HAWT, but I’m super into the Duke of Alenç...

She Could Fly

She Could Fly: The Lost Pilot #1 (Review)

She Could Fly is back with it’s second arc, The Lost Pilot. It was the best comic series I covered last year, and I’m pumped to get back into it. The series picks up two semesters of in-...

She Could Fly

She Could Fly Ends Its First Arc with a Flourish [Review]

There aren’t many characters in fiction who deserve a happy ending as much as Luna Brewster, yet she’s riddled with bullet holes on the cover of She Could Fly #4. What happens on covers ...

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