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advance comic review

Nicnevin and the bloody queen

Nicnevin and the Bloody Queen is a Stunning Execution of Gothic Horror [Graphic Novel Review]

Nicnevin and the Bloody Queen follows Nissy (Nicnevin) a rebellious teenage girl who is whisked away to her maternal grandmother’s abandoned estate alongside her kid brother. Nissy is not a fan...

Swimming in Darkness

Swimming in Darkness is a Chilling Esoteric Thriller [Graphic Novel Review]

Swimming in Darkness is the debut work of Lucas Harari, a student of decorative arts with a special interest in printed works. Before Swimming in Darkness, Harari reportedly self-published fanzines an...


The Howling: Revenge of the Werewolf Queen: Review

The Howling: Revenge of the Werewolf Queen is one more example of eighties nostalgia being reworked for modern audiences. In general, there’s a part of me that inwardly cringes any time ...

Advance Comic Review: The Goon in Theatre Bizarre

Coming from The Goon creator Eric Powell and artist John Dunivant, The Goon in the Theatre Bizarre is a one-shot self contained story just in time for Halloween. If you’re not familiar with The...

Fight Club 2 - Comic

Comic Review: Fight Club 2, Issue 5

Sebastian should be no stranger to grief, yet somehow, denial always seems to catch the protagonist off guard. Issue Five of Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club 2 draws heavy attention to a jarring la...

Advance Comic Review: Hellbound

Hellbound is one of those horror graphic novels that poses more questions than it answers at first glance. The cover looks like a painting from the VHS boxes of my childhood rather than some...

Advance Comic Review: Dead Vengeance

Dead Vengeance #1 is completely unlike anything I’ve seen in comics or horror in recent years. Bill Morrison’s name may be familiar to comic fans, thanks to his co-founding of Bo...