Home » CUT! is Full of Twists and Surprises [Review]

CUT! is Full of Twists and Surprises [Review]

Friday the 13th wouldn’t have been complete without checking out a horror movie. Wicked Horror went down to the Arena Cinema Hollywood to catch the premiere of suspenseful horror-thriller Cut!

Cut! won Best Film, Best Director, Best Leading Actor, and the Award of Merit for Audio at the 2014 Independent Film and Television Festival, and as funny at times as it is brutal, Cut!, was a pleasure to watch.

Cut! follows a wannabe director, Travis Simon (David Rountree – Staunton Hill), and his ex-con buddy Lane Hayes (David Banks – Young Death) trying to make their own low-budget horror film. They want to showcase the real reactions of real people when they are terrified and make the death scenes as realistic as possible. It sounds simple enough at first. They come up with a plan to have a homeless man (Sam Scarber – The Karate Kid) pretend to be a killer to scare a prostitute (Dahlia Salem – The Nines). Unfortunately for the filmmakers, the prostitute is murdered and they have to make haste in disposing of her body.

Related: David Banks Talks CUT! [Exclusive] 

While Travis begins to have second thoughts about their film, Lane wants to continue filming, even if it means killing off movie stars, co-workers, or anyone else that gets in his way of making their very own snuff film.

This film is full of surprises, twists and angles and the apparent is never the truth. As the movie poster advertises, Cut! is “Taking lives. One scene at a time.”

David Banks, who co-wrote the screenplay plays Mr Hayes awesomely, delivering a barrel of laughs with his crude and quirky one liners while also playing the psychopathic eccentric serial killer with ease. Cut! is a deep and psychological trip that leaves you guessing all the way through, kudos to director, co-writer and star David Rountree and his team. Cut! Also features appearances from 90’s star William McNamara, Suze Lanier-Bramlett of The Hills Have Eyes, and Dee Wallace Stone’s daughter Gabrielle Stone.

Cut! will play for one week at The Arena Cinema in Hollywood between February 13th-19th before making its way to DVD February 24th, 2015.


Title: Cut!

Director(s): David Rountree
Writer(s): David Rountree, David Banks
Stars: Sam Scarber, Dahlia Salem, David Banks
Year: 2014
Studio/ Production Co: Psycho Rock Productions, Brilliant Screen Studios, Dog House Post Audio
Budget: (unknown)
Language: English
Length: 104mins
Sub-Genre: Mystery, Thriller

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Written by Nicola Odeku
Nicola Odeku is the co-founder of Wicked Horror. After managing a fashion and lifestyle magazine, in addition to writing her own published relationship articles, Nicola set up team with Arturo and followed her genuine love for horror. Also known as Miss Horror, Nicola is a big fan of hardcore gore, anything demonic, and disturbing cinema. Also cats. She looooves cats. Nicola enjoys traveling, sitting on a beach and eating cake.
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