Home » Absence- Alien Abduction

Absence- Alien Abduction

2013 Alien abduction movie Absence starring Erin Way, Eric Matheny and Ryan Smale

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Absence is, well, for the most part pretty absent of any excitement. But I do love a found footage film and I eagerly awaited what was going to happen. Absence teases you with suspense but once it gets into it and gets you hooked, its practically over before you know it.

Directed by Jimmy Loweree, Absence starts with Evan (Ryan Smale), a film student who is documenting his sister Liz (Erin Way) and her husband Rick (Eric Matheny) whose 7-month old fetus mysteriously vanished from Liz’s body. To escape police questioning to something they, nor the doctors have any explanation for, and media attention and prying eyes, they all head to a cabin in the woods. Considering the severity of Liz and Rick’s situation it’s surprising that they let Evan document everything, rather intensively might I add.

The documentary shooting is real though you could call it ‘sloppy’ for a films sake. No one holds a camera twenty-four-seven and you do put it down occasionally when you’re eating, washing your hands, talking to people etc so in that sense it’s real filming but it can be annoying for the viewers pleasure. Another thing about many found footage movies is that we see the day to day life of the characters, and while this helps us get to know them and builds them up, it can get pretty boring at times.

The central mystery of the disappearance takes baby steps, no pun intended, and the scares are far and few between, but not the worst I’ve ever seen and just a few are really pretty effective.

The ending was expected once it happened but I enjoyed it all the same.

If you’re not a fan of found footage, you may not like this movie. If you need great acting to enjoy a film, you may not like this movie. But if you are a fan of found footage, can handle the so-so acting and have an Alien fetish, Absence might just be right up your street. Or in your home.

WICKED RATING: 4/10  [usr 4]

Title: Absence


Director: Jimmy Loweree
Writers: Jake Moreno, Jimmy Loweree
Stars: Erin Way, Eric Matheny, Ryan Smale
Year: 2014
Studio/ Production Co: Radcliffe Pictures
Budget: Unknown, Microbudget
Language: English
Length: 81 min
Sub-Genre: Aliens, Found Footage


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Written by Nicola Odeku
Nicola Odeku is the co-founder of Wicked Horror. After managing a fashion and lifestyle magazine, in addition to writing her own published relationship articles, Nicola set up team with Arturo and followed her genuine love for horror. Also known as Miss Horror, Nicola is a big fan of hardcore gore, anything demonic, and disturbing cinema. Also cats. She looooves cats. Nicola enjoys traveling, sitting on a beach and eating cake.
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