Home » GamesCom 2016 Reveals Game-play Trailer For Horror Gem Agony

GamesCom 2016 Reveals Game-play Trailer For Horror Gem Agony

GamesCom is an annual trade fair that is held for video games and video game companies in Cologne, Germany. The four day convention boasts being the world’s largest gaming event, with visitor numbers in the hundreds of thousands. Among all the amazing content released this year, the game-play trailer for Agony may be the most worthy of note. 

Agony, the baby of Mad Mind studio, is a first person shooter in the spirit of Resident Evil’s survival-style horror. While the announcement for the game’s release was in May of 2016, GamesCom brought the first snippets of game-play in a thrilling eight minute trailer.

Suffice to say, Doom needs to watch itself, as well as any upcoming horror features since Agony looks to be equal parts beautiful, terrifying, and disgusting. The general idea of the game is that, after the player’s death, he/she falls to hell and Agony is the story of staying in one piece.

There are no words to describe the environment the player finds themselves in, as what they are walking around in seems to be made of bones, gore, and demonic materials only found in our nightmares. Anyone with even a passing interest in horror video-games should be pumped about this game and its 2017 release.

Make sure you stay tuned to Wicked Horror for all your horror video game news.


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Written by Syl
Syl is a professional criminologist who shamelessly spends her time listening to true crime podcasts, watching horror films, and bringing real life horror to her written pieces.
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