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Take a Virtual Tour of The Overlook Hotel!

Eight Behind the Scenes Stories That Would Make Great Features of Their Own jack nicholson in the shining.

Virtual reality game The Caretaker which integrates you into the Shining hotel.

Have you ever watched The Shining and thought you would be right for the role of caretaker? Well, now you can put yourself to the test and tour The Overlook Hotel [Called the Overview in this game, presumably for reasons pertaining to copyright] in virtual reality!

Developed by game company Franbo, this virtual reality experience uses Oculus technology that’ll permit you to run loose around a hotel inspired by the feature film The Shining.

Named The Caretaker, the game will enable you to assume a role similar to Jack Nicholson’s in The Shining and run amok around the hotel. You’ll be integrated into familiar settings such as the iconic carpeted hallway and snowy maze outside. Watch out for the twins!

The official description of the game is as follows:

You’re the new caretaker at The Overview; chosen to single-handedly look after this remote hotel throughout the icy winter months. We join you on your first day of complete isolation; waking up late following the end of season staff party. You are high in the mountains and cut off from the world by the onset of the first snowstorms of winter. It’s time to leave your room and make your first check of the deserted hotel.

Check out some teaser clips from this virtual reality experience inspired by The Shining below:

If you’re sold on this game and think you could run ‘The Overview’ you can download The Caretaker by clicking here. While owning an Oculus rift would make the most of your game-play, it isn’t required. Just remember, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!

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Written by Nicola Odeku
Nicola Odeku is the co-founder of Wicked Horror. After managing a fashion and lifestyle magazine, in addition to writing her own published relationship articles, Nicola set up team with Arturo and followed her genuine love for horror. Also known as Miss Horror, Nicola is a big fan of hardcore gore, anything demonic, and disturbing cinema. Also cats. She looooves cats. Nicola enjoys traveling, sitting on a beach and eating cake.
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