Home » Rob Zombie’s 31 Finally Gifted R Rating & Official Poster Revealed!

Rob Zombie’s 31 Finally Gifted R Rating & Official Poster Revealed!

Rob Zombie's 31

Rob Zombie’s upcoming flick 31 has been having some serious trouble with the MPAA. After being submitted to the board twice for classification, 31 was deemed too extreme for widespread distribution and slapped with the death knell NC-17 rating.

However, according to Zombie’s official Facebook page, the film has finally been deemed worthy of the blessed R rating and has been passed by the MPAA.

This is particularly good news considering the movie is set to premiere at Sundance in just a couple of weeks.

31 stars stars a bunch of Zombie stalwarts; including Lew Temple (The Devil’s Rejects), Zombie’s wife, Sheri Moon Zombie (Lords of Salem), Malcolm McDowell (Halloween and H2), Judy Gleeson, Jeff Daniel Phillips and Meg Foster (The Lords of Salem) and many more besides.

Set in 1975, the film follows five people who are kidnapped, in the days leading up to Halloween, and brought to a pleasant-sounding place called Murder World. There, they must fight for their survival via a deadly game called, you’ve guessed it, 31. Aside from killing each other, the group must also contend with a group of sadistic, killer clowns, images of which have already been teased in marketing material.

The R rating is a major step forward for 31. And, to celebrate the good news, Zombie shared the poster for the movie on his Facebook page. Check it out below, and stay tuned to Wicked Horror for more updates, including the US release date, as they happen.

31 film poster

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Written by Joey Keogh
Slasher fanatic Joey Keogh has been writing since she could hold a pen, and watching horror movies even longer. Aside from making a little home for herself at Wicked Horror, Joey also writes for Birth.Movies.Death, The List, and Vague Visages among others. Her actual home boasts Halloween decorations all year round. Hello to Jason Isaacs.
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