Home » Latest Blackcoat’s Daughter Clip Gives Us Something To Ponder

Latest Blackcoat’s Daughter Clip Gives Us Something To Ponder

After being stuck on the shelf for far too long, Osgood Perkins’ The Blackcoat’s Daughter (formerly February) looks set to finally get a release next month. In the meantime, we’ve got a brand-new clip from the movie to whet your appetite.

The clip, which you can watch for yourself below, is spoiler free (though avoid if you want to go in completely green). It sees James Remar and Emma Roberts locked in a fierce discussion about faith-based belief.

Perkins, son of the legendary Anthony Perkins (AKA Norman Bates himself, from Psycho), an actor in his own right, wrote and directed the movie, which was a festival darling.

The Blackcoat’s Daughter is actually his debut, but it’s taken so long to get a release it precedes his second movie, the well-received and similarly female-fronted I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives In The House.

Perkins’ sophomore feature starts Roberts as a troubled young woman, alongside Mad Men‘s Kiernan Shipka and Lucy Boynton (Sing Street), two boarding school attendees, who must all join together to battle a mysterious, evil force over winter break.

The official premise is as follows:

A deeply atmospheric and terrifying new horror film, ‘The Blackcoat’s Daughter’ centers on Kat (Kiernan Shipka) and Rose (Lucy Boynton), two girls who are left alone at their prep school Bramford over winter break when their parents mysteriously fail to pick them up. While the girls experience increasingly strange and creepy occurrences at the isolated school, we cross cut to another story—that of Joan (Emma Roberts), a troubled young woman on the road, who, for unknown reasons, is determined to get to Bramford as fast as she can. As Joan gets closer to the school, Kat becomes plagued by progressively intense and horrifying visions, with Rose doing her best to help her new friend as she slips further and further into the grasp of an unseen evil force. The movie suspensefully builds to the moment when the two stories will finally intersect, setting the stage for a shocking and unforgettable climax

Check out the clip, via Dread Central’s YouTube page, below.


Watch out for the movie on February 16 exclusively on DirecTV. It hits limited theaters on March 31.

Stay tuned to Wicked Horror for our review of the movie a bit closer to the time.

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Written by Joey Keogh
Slasher fanatic Joey Keogh has been writing since she could hold a pen, and watching horror movies even longer. Aside from making a little home for herself at Wicked Horror, Joey also writes for Birth.Movies.Death, The List, and Vague Visages among others. Her actual home boasts Halloween decorations all year round. Hello to Jason Isaacs.
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