Home » Jason Reitman’s Ghostbusters Has A Release Date!

Jason Reitman’s Ghostbusters Has A Release Date!

Hot on the heels of the news that there’s a brand new Ghostbusters on the way, from Jason Reitman, son of series creator Ivan Reitman, we now know when to expect the movie. The release date for the as-yet-untitled flick has been revealed — and it’s much sooner than you think.

Last week, it was announced that a surprise new take on the hit sci-fi comedy was imminent. Precious little information was offered aside from the fact that the upcoming film would take place in the same universe as the original movie, ignoring Paul Feig’s 2016 all-female reboot.

In response to this news, star Leslie Jones took to Twitter to voice her displeasure at the seeming erasure of she and co-stars Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, and Kate McKinnon’s work on the previous movie.

So insulting. Like f**k us. We dint count. It’s like something trump would do. (Trump voice) “Gonna redo ghostbusteeeeers, better with men, will be huge. Those women ain’t ghostbusteeeeers” ugh so annoying. Such a d**k move. And I don’t give f**k I’m saying something!!wrote the incensed comedian and actress, to widespread acclaim from fans of the 2016 movie.

Jones went on to point out that if Reitman’s movie does well, as it inevitably will, it may embolden the misogynistic trolls who doomed the all-female reboot in the first place.

Reitman told EW he’s stoked to take over the franchise first started by his father, explaining he counts himself as the very first Ghostbusters fan given he grew up on the set of the eighties hit.

The younger Reitman co-wrote the script for his take with Gil Kenan (Monster House, the Poltergeist remake). Shooting is due to begin shortly. There’s no word yet on whether the original actors will return, but Reitman promises lots of fun new characters regardless.

Reitman Snr., meanwhile, who’s taking a producing role on the project, apparently got very emotional upon originally learning what his son’s plans were for the next installment. The Front Runner director had dodged questions for years about whether he’d take the ‘busters mantle from his father but now admits it was always his plan.

As per BD, the new-new Ghostbusters is set for release very soon, on July 10, 2020.

There’s an animated Ghostbusters movie on the way, too, which is also courtesy of Sony, but that’s due after the live-action one and will be courtesy of an entirely different team.

Stay tuned to Wicked Horror for more info on the project as it becomes available.

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Written by Joey Keogh
Slasher fanatic Joey Keogh has been writing since she could hold a pen, and watching horror movies even longer. Aside from making a little home for herself at Wicked Horror, Joey also writes for Birth.Movies.Death, The List, and Vague Visages among others. Her actual home boasts Halloween decorations all year round. Hello to Jason Isaacs.
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