Home » Interview With The Vampire Reboot Happening, With BIG Star Rumoured For Leading Role

Interview With The Vampire Reboot Happening, With BIG Star Rumoured For Leading Role

Interview with the Vampire

Yesterday marked the fortieth anniversary of Anne Rice’s hit horror novel Interview With The Vampire, the popular film adaptation of which turned twenty just a couple of years ago itself. Aside from the Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise starring Interview, the only other adaptation of Rice’s work was 2002’s campy, unfairly-derided Queen Of The Damned (which boasts the greatest heavy metal soundtrack possibly ever).

A reboot/sequel/reimagining, incorporating both Interview and its sequel The Vampire Lestat, has been talked about for a while now. Back in March, writer-director Josh Boone (who helmed, er, The Fault In Our Stars) confirmed he was working on a script with newcomer Jill Killington.

And, judging by a recent Instagram post from Boone, it would appear that their script – or, at least, the first draft – for the flick is finished.

With the movie pretty much a go, there will be just one question on everyone’s minds – who will be taking on the iconic role of Lestat, made famous by Tom Cruise in Interview and infamous by Stuart Townsend in Queen?

Recently, Anne Rice took to her official Facebook page to ask the fans directly who should step into the crushed velvet, and the name that kept coming up again and again was Jared Leto, soon to make his mark on another legendary character as The Joker in this summer’s Suicide Squad.

Although it seemed like a long shot at the time, Boone has fueled the fires somewhat by posting the below on Twitter, seeming to hint that Leto may already be in the bag to play the role.

What do you think? Could Jared Leto be a good fit for Lestat? Or would this role be better suited to someone unknown and a bit younger, à la the highly-publicised search for the young Han Solo?

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Written by Joey Keogh
Slasher fanatic Joey Keogh has been writing since she could hold a pen, and watching horror movies even longer. Aside from making a little home for herself at Wicked Horror, Joey also writes for Birth.Movies.Death, The List, and Vague Visages among others. Her actual home boasts Halloween decorations all year round. Hello to Jason Isaacs.
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