Home » Horror Anthology, Sacrifices Incarnate is Now Available!

Horror Anthology, Sacrifices Incarnate is Now Available!

Wicked Horror contributor Christopher Fink‘s first literary collection, Sacrifices Incarnate is a horror anthology that is sure to send chills down your spine. The author describes it as “more than a simple book, but the vessel in which fear is held and guarded.” The tome is now available as an eBook or in print via Amazon. The print version contains two stories not included with the Kindle release. 

Sacrifices Incarnate is the culmination of many years, and many short stories that manifested themselves from a number of captivating locations seen by Fink in his travels. The first story is titled “No Fracking” and is based on an old rundown motel in upstate New York that the author visited some years back. 

Many story elements were developed based on the author’s own fears. From being buried alive, to confrontations with unseen creatures (Restless, The Quiet Ones), and unassuming relationships (Pen Pal), he wants this book to give people the chance to face those fears from the comfort of their own homes. 

If you’re a fan of anthology horror, give Sacrifices Incarnate a shot and show your support to an indie author and member of the Wicked Horror family. 

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