Home » Grave Digger Horror To Be Turned Into Scariest Movie Ever!

Grave Digger Horror To Be Turned Into Scariest Movie Ever!

mummified doll movie

Movie executives are working on turning a real life horror into the scariest blockbuster of all time. Anatoly Moskvin, 46, from the city of Nizhny Novgorod in central Russia, was arrested in 2011 after it emerged that he had dug up the corpses of 150 girls aged between three and twelve years old. He then took the bodies home and turned them into a gruesome collection of mummies, dressing the decomposing bodies and skeletons in stockings and dresses, even applying lipstick and make-up to their faces. Then, in a macabre touch, he put music boxes inside their rib cages. 

Anatoly Moskvin grave digger killer.

A video made by Moskvin and found at his apartment by investigators showed a corridor cluttered with wedding dresses and bright, colourful clothes. It also shows the bodies sitting around his house in a series of bizarre costumes. Moskvin, who speaks 13 languages and was described in court as a “genius”, gave the mummified corpses names and marked the birthday of each dead victim with organized birthday parties for them in his bedroom.

Mummified doll made by Moskvins.His macabre obsession was discovered when his parents visited him after returning from holiday. Police said Moskvin also compiled up-to-date information about the lives of each girl he had dug up and printed off instructions on a computer for how to produce dolls out of human remains. Last year a judge said Moskvin was not mentally fit to stand trial and should remain in a psychiatric clinic.

Child mummy doll found in Anatoly Moskvins apartment,

Now a team of Hollywood writers have turned the blood-curdling story into a terrifying script. Big stars such as Liam Neeson and Jack Nicholson are set to star in the film about the crazed grave-robber.

Anatoly Moskvins apartment where 2 mummified dolls were found.

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Written by Nicola Odeku
Nicola Odeku is the co-founder of Wicked Horror. After managing a fashion and lifestyle magazine, in addition to writing her own published relationship articles, Nicola set up team with Arturo and followed her genuine love for horror. Also known as Miss Horror, Nicola is a big fan of hardcore gore, anything demonic, and disturbing cinema. Also cats. She looooves cats. Nicola enjoys traveling, sitting on a beach and eating cake.
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