Home » Eli Roth Working On Sequel To The Green Inferno?

Eli Roth Working On Sequel To The Green Inferno?

Last year, Eli Roth’s long-gestating cannibal shocker The Green Inferno finally hit theaters, after a lengthy legal battle.

Set in the Amazonian rain-forest, the flick saw a group of naive young do-gooder types attempt to ingratiate themselves with the local tribes-people, only to discover they were, in fact, on the dinner menu.

Part loving homage to Cannibal Ferox and Holocaust, The Green Inferno may have been tonally inconsistent–gross-out gore and violence gave way to ill-advised toilet humour, often within the same scene–but it’s arguably Roth’s strongest offering thus far. And now, it seems he may be heading back to the jungle again. The Wrap revealed, in a story concerning a short Roth is producing for Crypt TV, that work has already begun on the sequel, noting:

“The writer-director-producer is currently in development on a sequel to his slacktivism slasher film The Green Inferno.”

It’s not really surprising that the flick may already be in pre-production, as back in 2013 Roth announced that Nicolas Lopez, his friend and frequent collaborator, would be directing a sequel entitled Beyond The Green Inferno. Whether or not that’s still the case remains to be seen, but the fact the movie is in production at all will be good news to fans of its predecessor, which made more than double its budget at the box office and was praised by horror maestro Stephen King, among others. Stay tuned to Wicked Horror for more details as this story develops.

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Written by Joey Keogh
Slasher fanatic Joey Keogh has been writing since she could hold a pen, and watching horror movies even longer. Aside from making a little home for herself at Wicked Horror, Joey also writes for Birth.Movies.Death, The List, and Vague Visages among others. Her actual home boasts Halloween decorations all year round. Hello to Jason Isaacs.
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