Home » Comic Review: She Could Fly #2 is Even Better than #1

Comic Review: She Could Fly #2 is Even Better than #1

She Could Fly

Back in June, I wrote about how good the first issue of She Could Fly by Christopher Cantwell and Martín Morazzo was. If you slept on it, you missed out. With the second issue finally here, I’m excited tell you that the series has only gotten better.

The scenes (and specifically the splash pages) from the main character Luna’s imagination are spectacular. Last week’s splash was peaceful, and this week Cantwell and Morazzo elected to go in a different direction, and holy shit was that a good choice. The innovations they’re making within the comic medium are something that’s going to be talked about for years to come. 

The second issue doesn’t push the story further as much as it pushes it wider. Last issue, Luna was obsessed with the flying woman, who eventually exploded on national television. She’s investigating it now, but she doesn’t know that she’s not the only one. This issue introduces Bill, a physicist who might have had something to do with the woman flying in the first place, and Dan Loudermilk, who’s heading a team that’s pursuing Bill. They’re all on a collision course.

She Could Fly is also getting weirder as it goes. The dead cat head from last issue comes back in a delightful way, and Gamma, who returned from a soul-finding mission last issue is wandering through Chicago. It’s unclear whether the things Gamma’s seeing are hallucinations or not. Either way, they prompt readers to question their assumptions about the world in fruitful ways.

My only concern about this point is Cantwell and Morazzo’s decision to introduce a Buddhist god. I don’t have the cultural knowledge to judge whether they’re treating the subject matter with the respect it deserves or not.

This is an amazing comic. Treat yourself to the first two issues if you haven’t already! Find it at your local comic retailer or online on August 8, 2018 from Dark Horse Comics.

Wicked Rating: 9/10

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Written by Ryan C. Bradley
Ryan C. Bradley (he/him) has published work in The Missouri Review, The Rumpus, Dark Moon Digest, Daikaijuzine, and other venues. His first book, Saint's Blood, is available from St. Rooster Books now! You can learn more about him at: ryancbradleyblog.wordpress.com.
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