Home » Comic Review: Psycho Pass Volume 3 Answers Some Burning Questions, While Also Leading Readers Further Down The Rabbit Hole

Comic Review: Psycho Pass Volume 3 Answers Some Burning Questions, While Also Leading Readers Further Down The Rabbit Hole

Psycho- Pass is a Japanese manga series that takes place in the next century of human existence. In this new imagination of our future, humans are guaranteed a society without crime, at the cost of being constantly monitored for their criminal thoughts. This constant analyzing of people’s minds is undertaken by a network of psychometric scanners called the Sibyl System, with the results known as the Psycho-Pass.

In such a system, those who are found to have exceeded the established likelihood of committing a crime are subsequently arrested or even killed. However, those who are found to teeter on the line of criminality can find solace in becoming a police officer. A selection of these officers are the main characters of Psycho Pass Volume 3.

Volume 3 picks up in the immediate aftermath of Psycho Pass Volume 2 and, while the officers have finally found some answers in their investigation around genetic timers and people with transplanted organs, they go even deeper down the proverbial rabbit hole this time around.

Psycho Pass Volume 3

During their investigation, they uncover what they have suspected all along; a field of organic food that was hidden by a false embrace. This is especially shocking because the Japanese people in this universe have not eaten real food from the ground in generations.

What is even more startling is that their main suspect freely and willingly allows them to arrest him for his crimes, but insists that they must uncover all his crimes and expose them. Although unnerved by the suspect’s warning words, the detectives carry on their investigation which leads them to an unlikely place.

After readings the delightful Psycho Pass Volume 2, I was not disappointed by Volume 3. While the story is getting deeper and darker, Psycho Pass Volume 3 does a fantastic job breaking up the glumness with some lighthearted moments, without entirely forgetting the sinister themes of the series.

Catch Psycho-Pass: Shinya Kogami Volume 3 when it’s released from Dark Horse on September 6, 2017

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Written by Syl
Syl is a professional criminologist who shamelessly spends her time listening to true crime podcasts, watching horror films, and bringing real life horror to her written pieces.
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