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Hannah Kasulka. fox new the exorcist remake will star Brianne Howey.

The Exorcist: Ten Things You Probably Didn’t Know

Horror fans are unlike any other breed of cinephile. We go to great lengths to unearth little known facts about our favorite feature films. Because of that, it’s a challenge to find trivia that...

Mrs Ganush from the movie Drag me to hell.

Top Scary Old Folk Of Horror Cinema

Most horror movies are remembered for their iconic killers, trademark murders, creepy ambiance and scary kids. Every now and again we get someone much older who shows us all not to forget that the eld...

Suspiria soundtracks a beginner's guide to argento - Horror Trilogies - Horror movies that would make great haunted house attractions

Ten Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Suspiria

Horror fans are unlike any other breed of cinephile. We go to great lengths to unearth little known facts about our favorite feature films. Because of that, it’s a challenge to find trivia that...

alien movie

Creature Features – Scary Non-Human Species

In the dictionary, a creature is defined as “an animal, especially a nonhuman: the creatures of the woods and fields; a creature from outer space.” or  “anything crea...

The new king kong movie skull island starring Tom Hiddleston.

Animal Kingdom- Beasts You Wouldn’t Want As Pets

Animals are cute right? Many of us get a pet to show us love and affection at any given time.  We all love a furry friend. Unless they try to eat us that is. Read on below for our top t...

The top haunted houses around the world.

Haunted Houses & Scary Buildings- Ghost Galore (part one)

A haunted house is a staple among many horror movies and on horror lovers “to do” list. Here we take a look at creepiest, scariest, and most scream-inducing haunted houses and buildin...

more crazy real killers including notorious british couple fred and rose west and evil scary clown pogo also known as john wayne gacy.

Real Life Villians- Serial Killers (part three)

There are many real life murderers who are more terrifying than the most notorious horror movie characters many of us have come to know and love. Read more below following on from our previous po...

Based on the real life doll that caused havoc for two nurses after inviting it to live among them without realizing its evil.

Real Scary Stories- Movies Based On True Events (part two)

As a follow on from our first post on scary true stories turned into movies, we look at more of those horror films we know and love which are based on true events. Let us know your thoughts in the com...

Why Exorcism Movies Have to Try Harder to Be Different - Possession Movies - The infamous exorcism movie directed by William Friedkin and written by William Peter Blatty.

Nine Great Exorcism Movies You Need to See

An exorcism is the practice of evicting demons or other spiritual entities from a person or an area they are believed to have possessed. For many horror fans like myself, I thoroughly enjoy movie...