The films and shows we see as children have an enormous impact not only in shaping our interests, but our development as a whole. Things that scare us in our formative years, even when they are not ne...
Stephen King has had more film adaptations of his work than any other living author. It stands to reason, then, that some would work better than others. The Shawshank Redemption, Stand by Me, Misery, ...
Halloween is an ancient holiday, a day dedicated to celebrating the dead. We dress up in costumes, carve pumpkins, and trick-or-treat for candy. It doesn’t matter if you are an adult or a child...
As much as we love to analyze and obsess over minute details in horror, it can be frustrating when there are so many unanswered questions. Horror can be full of plot holes, as can any other genre. And...
It can get tough being a kid around the Halloween season. Even though everything is designed to cater towards children and trick-or-treating, if you’re young and getting into the horror genre, ...
In the 21st century it is hard to come across someone who doesn’t have some sort of social media profile, or someone who hasn’t engaged in activities on the web. We’ve become tech...
Halloween is right around the corner. Just a month-and-a-half to go. And one of the best things about the season is that it sees everyone else taking an interest in that which we love year round. Some...
The Friday the 13th series is loaded with entertaining characters that are not hulking behemoths in hockey masks. Whether they be good, bad, or completely incompetent, those that stand out are al...
Horror Films are often cathartic expressions of some of mankind’s deepest, most innate fears. Those fears frequently revolve around our attempt to grapple with death and our own mortality, but ...