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Top 10 Lists

Ready or Not

Nat’s Top Ten Horror Movies of 2019

2019 was an incredible year for horror. I saw more horror theatrically this year than I have in a long, long time. Some of these were movies I was anticipating right out of the gate, either for the pr...

Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger

Ten of the Most Vicious Freddy Krueger Kills

The Nightmare on Elm Street series gave birth to one of the most iconic boogeymen ever to stalk the screen: razor-clawed, Christmas sweater wearing, profoundly burned madman Freddy Krue...

Horror Crawl

Tyler’s Top Five Horror Films of 2019

2019 has come to a close but not without gifting viewers with some truly exceptional horror offerings. So many, in fact, that it took me into the new year to catch up on a few titles I’d missed ...

Joey’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2019

Horror has had an insanely good year, which is something I feel I’ve been claiming more and more frequently when it comes time to write lists like these but the past 12 months have been a goddam...

Justin’s Top Ten Films of the Past Ten Years

Another decade comes to a close. As a fan of horror flicks, compiling a list of what I consider to be “Justin’s Top 10” from ten years of releases would appear a difficult task. Y...

Ryan C. Bradley’s Top Five of 2019

Horror boomed again in 2019. The genre has been booming over the last five years, undergoing a transformation from Bush-era-nightmare-fueled torture p*rn into more allegorical territory.  This ye...

Elf on the Shelf

Five Reasons Elf on the Shelf is the Creepiest Holiday Tradition Ever

First there was Chucky from Child’s Play, then there were the homicidal puppets from the Puppet Master series, now there is the Elf on the Shelf. In your home…watching you....


Unholy Night: 8 Christmas Songs For A Horrible Holiday

The holidays are here again. A time for reconnecting with family, Santa, stuffing your face with food and drinks, and wondering how you’re gonna pay your bills because you’ve overspent on ...

female killers Asami (Eihi Shiina) getting ready to engage in some torture in Takashi Miike's Audition.

Violent Femmes: Eight Horror Movies With Badass Female Killers

Horror is often thought of as a boys’ club. The slasher genre is dominated by guys like Jason, Freddy, Michael Myers, and Leatherface. Women tend to fill the role of victim or heroine–some...