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Top 10 Lists

Station Eleven Horror Novels

Six Terrifying Horror Novels You Need to Read!

Why do horror fans like to be scared? Well, since you asked: There is a concept known as VANE (Voluntary Arousing Negative Experiences). One study showed that such behavior reduced feelings of st...

Ti West's The Sacrament.

Five Movies That Didn’t Need to be Shot as Found Footage

Found footage can be traced back a long time, at least to Cannibal Holocaust in 1980. It was The Blair Witch Project that really made the concept popular, especially in the horror genre, yet it took a...

Hellraiser: Judgment - Michael Myers vs Pinhead - Hellraiser - Clive Barker Adaptations

Eight Terrific Secondary Antagonists in Horror Movies

The killer is not always the killer in horror movies. One of my favorite things about the genre is that it takes characters who are pretty normal people on the surface and puts them in an unreal envir...

Essential Quarantine Reading: 10 Books for the Bored Horror Fan

In these strange and unusual times, the default may be to glue ourselves to our phones and televisions to pass the time. As rewarding as it may feel to binge a whole season in just one day, I don̵...

Freddy Krueger - Robert Englund

Four Actors That Could Play the Next Freddy Krueger

To think that anyone could deliver the same allure, personality, and electricity as Robert Englund in his turn as Freddy Krueger is borderline blasphemy. As a diehard Freddy fan, I will always remain ...

Bhaskar Roy Chowdhury as Bones

Six Drive-In Films You Need to Seek Out Now!

Drive-in movies constitute a special viewing experience. The technical realities of their ‘60s-‘70s era filmmaking style coupled with exploitative tropes reflecting their market niche al...

Grave Encounters

Six Baffling, Unexplained Real-Life Paranormal Events

In the age of the Internet it’s easier to be skeptical than ever. That’s fair, too. It doesn’t necessarily mean that people are less open—although there are always some...

PG Rated Horror

Five PG Horror Films That Should Have Been Rated R

These 5 PG-rated horror films were shockingly cleared for (almost) all audiences, despite pushing the envelope way beyond the confines of what is appropriate for impressionable audiences. Genre films ...

Timecrimes 1

Five Standout Time Travel Horror Films

I think we can all agree that characters in time travel movies generally tend to royally screw things up somewhere along the way. Whether they are trying to prevent the world from ending or just impro...