Looking for an introduction to indie horror? There’s never been a better time. Summer has a tendency to spark nostalgia for days of our youth. Especially during 2020, which has brought so many c...
When it comes to horror-themed games, the Sega Genesis isn’t exactly hurting for content. Indeed, there are so many titles in the Genny library about zombies, monsters, demons and chainsaw-wiel...
Dr. Sam Loomis is arguably the most famous character in the Halloween movie franchise, next to Michael Myers. His passion and poetic allegories helped to create the mysterious persona that i...
Articles, books and documentaries have dissected Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho and the shocking and terrifying shower scene. It stunned audiences in 1960 and still surprises some uninitiated v...
Halloween was not the first slasher movie, there’s no real point in arguing that. We had many similar efforts before it, notably films like Black Christmas, Psycho and Peeping Tom. But what Hal...
Clive Barker really changed the game with Hellraiser, at least in terms of providing audiences with iconography that they were not used to seeing. By that point in the 1980s, Jason, Michael Myers and ...
Many fans have loved horror most of their lives. Before we were allowed to watch the movies, many kids got into the genre through book series like Goosebumps or Scary Stories to Te...
Horror fans today may not realize there’s a horror aesthetic that’s almost lost, except to the DVD bends or obscure digital rentals. That’s the TV-movie horror, a distinct and cre...
Horror video games are definitely in a resurgence right now. They just seem to be getting more and more popular, with horror games like Dead by Daylight, Until Dawn, Outlast and Friday the 13th...