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Top 10 Lists

Five Movies Where the Monster isn’t Actually Bad

Monsters go all the way back to the earliest days of horror cinema. Think of pioneering movies like Nosferatu, The Mummy, and King Kong. Those are all very different films, but they have one key eleme...

Performances Demon Knight

Eight Terrific, Totally Unexpected Performances in Horror

With so many great actors known for turning in solid performances in genre work, you sometimes expect a particular performance out of an actor. While they all definitely have a wide range, you call on...


Five Killer Santas That Make Christmas Feel as Spooky as Halloween

Jolly old St. Nicholas is known for his good cheer and extreme generosity. But within the horror genre, Saint Nick has a very different reputation. From Santa Claus-inspired serial killers to demonic ...

Halloween Most outrageous deaths in the Halloween franchise - Halloween Returns

Drinks and Horror Movie Pairings: Everyone’s Entitled to One [Drunken] Scare

The night air is crisp, and the blue moon is full. Not only is it the weekend, but ghosts and ghouls are able to roam the earth for an extra hour, thanks to daylight saving time. It’s...

5 Self-Contained Horror Graphic Novels to Enjoy this October

There are a lot of great horror comics series — Beasts of Burden, Harrow County, and Locke and Key all come to mind — but sometimes you need to read something quick. A graphic novel with...

Five Vampire Movies That Changed The Genre

Among horror characters, my personal favorite has always been the vampire. The thought of the power and magnetism they are portrayed portrayed with has long fascinated me. Vampire movies typically hav...

Six Slasher Horror Reads to Spark the Halloween Spirit

For most horror fans, the official start of Halloween season begins in September. While this year’s festivities might be slightly different than usual, there’s no reason to postpone the sp...

Strange Settings: Seven Horror Films That Take Us Where We Never Expected to Go

In the horror genre, there are settings so effectively creepy that they are used again and again. Like a ghost to its favorite haunt, horror films regularly visit the dust-covered gothic mansion that ...

Nathan Baesel as the titular character in Scott Glosserman's Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon.

Five Movies That Show Mad Love for the Horror Genre (That Aren’t Scream)

We horror fans love our movies. We love talking about them, we love reading about them, and many of us even enjoy writing about them. So it makes sense that we would also enjoy films that show the sam...