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Top 10 Lists

Horror sequels that did nothing to further the narrative of their franchise - Horror Movies Filmed in the Last Place You'd Expect

Seven Horror Movies Filmed in the Last Place You’d Expect

Filmmaking is a funny thing. Los Angeles is the epicenter of movie production, but a lot of projects can’t afford to film there. And even when films do shoot there, it’s ...

Alien - Rebecca Ferguson - Alien 5 - Alien Identity

Icons Behind Icons: The Cinematic Influences of Your Favorite Horror Movies

One of the best things about being an avid fan of film is that there is always more to discover. It’s fascinating to hear directors talk about the movies that influenced them. To go ba...

Eight Badass Horror Heroines Who Deserve More Credit - The Fog

Seven Badass Horror Heroines Who Deserve More Credit

Horror has a reputation for being a male-dominated scene. It’s a genre run by men, made for men, starring men; that’s what the consensus seems to be. This has always been insane to ...

Dracula looking scary

Four Essential Cinematic Adaptations of the Dracula Story

Dracula just might be the most famous movie monster in the world. At the very least, he’s earned a spot on the Mt. Rushmore of horror. He’s the quintessential vampire, and his story has ...

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors

Seven Pure Comfort Food Horror Movies

There’s something great about discovering a great new horror movie for the first time. The genre is huge and diverse. There’s so much happening at any given moment. Every year produces s...

Five Horror Directors That Made the Jump to Superhero Movies

We horror fans love our directors. Perhaps more than fans of any other genre, we view them as larger than life superstars, and we follow their careers intently. We look back at their past work with wi...

Haunted Library

These Rare Goosebumps Books Have Been All But Forgotten

There’re plenty of Goosebumps stories that have fallen out of print. With each passing day, they grow more and more expensive online. It’s to the point where people charge hundreds of dol...

Five Terrifying Scenes in Non-Horror Films

Many sci-fi films blur the line between science fiction and horror. Stories of aliens, experiments gone wrong or creatures from the abyss rising up to torment us are all common tropes within the genre...

Doppelgänger Stories

Nine Doppelgänger Stories That Will Make You Scared to Look In The Mirror

Much horror literature plays on our fear and fascination with the person we see in the mirror: a fear of what we’re hiding or don’t know about ourselves, a fear of who we’ve been ...