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Hereditary is a Strikingly Accurate Comment on the Destructive Power of Grief

I passed on checking out Hereditary during its theatrical run so I would be afforded the luxury of taking a break if things got too intense. And I’m glad I did. It’s a beautiful ...

Witchboard Movie Still Seance Scene

Back to the ’80s: Witchboard (1986) is Silly Fun

Welcome to Back to the ’80s. This recurring feature aims to take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from horror’s most beloved decade. Regardless of which category a particul...

War Bears Comic Panel Frame

Ken Steacy’s Art Shines in Margaret Atwood’s War Bears #1 [Review]

In 2012 I flew from Hartford to Chicago for the Association of Writers and Writing Program’s annual conference. I was a senior in college and I’d never flown alone before. The trip would...

Buffy Season 12 #3

Buffy Season 12 Issue #3 [Wicked Comic Review]

Issue three of The Reckoning, the penultimate issue of every Buffy comic season as a whole, is at least the best of this new miniseries to date. This episode feels like the show on every conceivable l...

Lake Placid: Legacy Still

Lake Placid: Legacy is a Serious Take on a Silly Concept [Review]

There are some franchises that will always continue on, no matter what. Dracula and Frankenstein have proven that they’ll be around forever, both lasting over a century. While the jury’s...

Boar Movie Still Red Eyes

Boar Suffers from Lackluster FX [Frightfest 2018 Review]

Creature feature fans will know that, more often than not, the promise of a brand new film to drool over is tinged with the anxiety of knowing it’s probably going to turn out to be a load of CGI...

Incident in a Ghostland

Incident In A Ghostland is Vile and Ill-Timed [Frightfest 2018 Review]

Incident In A Ghostland‘s title card utilizes a font not seen since the National Treasure franchise. Its tagline, “True evil never dies,” and accompanying marketing material seem to ...

Braid (2018)

Braid is Full of Unanswered Questions [Frightfest 2018 Review]

Braid, the debut feature from writer-director Mitzi Peirone, is a difficult film to describe. IMDb has a go, but somehow manages to confuse the issue further: Two wanted women decide to rob their weal...

Boarding School

Boarding School is a Boring Mess [Review]

People who don’t like modern horror movies frequently point to the jump scares. I’ve defended them in other reviews (here, here, and here), because they’re not the problem. Jumpsc...