The Soska sisters, better known as the “Twisted Twins”, were horror royalty prior to the debut of their Game Show Network (GSN) show HELLEVATOR. As the show amps up for its Octob...
MTV’s Scream: The Series was renewed for a second season almost immediately after its premiere, due to strong viewer response. Fans of the show won’t have to wait long for the de...
The beauty of Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone was that the series was not confined to one, main storyline. Its consistent innovation and desire to push the boundaries of what was considered nor...
The horror genre has a spotty history with television. It’s not that there haven’t been successful horror shows, it’s just that they tend to be few and far between. This is most like...
Damien is not at all the show I expected it to be, and I think that ultimately proves to be a good thing. This isn’t the direction I would have thought to take the material, but by virtue of si...
Bates Motel is back and it has officially gone full Psycho. The first two episodes of season four kick off a hell of a premier to let you know that all pretenses are over. As we saw at the end of seas...
Based on the recent Stephen King bestseller, 11.22.63 is a miniseries with some frankly amazing star power attached. This could easily have been a major studio film with actors like James Franco and C...
In this regular series, a Wicked Horror writer presents an unpopular opinion about a particular genre offering and asks the oft-repeated question, “Is it just me?” In this installment,...
Releasing August 25 from Anchor Bay Entertainment is the jam-packed and stunning Blu-Ray + Digital HD edition of The Walking Dead: The Complete Fifth Season. The set includes three hours of ...